0 identifying exclusively heterosexual and 6 identifying as purely homosexual. Kinsley’s scale was organised as number 0 to 6. Langdon’s scale is not much different from Kinsley’s scale. To determine one’s level of attraction of sexual relationship, to represent the interest level, one will fall under the letters A – F along with numbers 0 – 6. You can use the Purple – Red scale to measure the level of attraction towards anyone. Kinsey’s scale was used to identify level of attraction to the same sex or opposite sex but Landon’s scale was all about how people feel about sex. This was an alternative to the Kinsey’s scale which was developed in 1948. Purple – Red scale of sexuality Landon Parks created a scale that is illustrated as a sexuality chart in 2015 namely the Purple – Red scale of attraction. But how many of do know and understand the differences in sexuality. Gay, Bisexual, Straight are comparatively the terms that are prominent in use. How can you prove gender? The way we view at sexuality is really limited because of its popularity.
Well, everything in this world needs a validation to prove that it really does exist.